Every person’s mouth provides a cozy home for over 600 types of bacteria. If you are devoted to oral hygiene and have healthy gums, these microbes usually don’t influence your health. However, if you have gum disease, bacteria can enter your bloodstream through your gums and cause problems. The first sign of gingivitis is swollen, […]
Family Dentistry
Osteoporosis And Oral Health
If you are a woman, you have probably heard about the high rate of osteoporosis in the country, and the state of Ohio is no exception. At Endres Gateway Dentistry, we understand the importance of addressing the connection between oral health and overall bone health. Did you know that many studies have suggested a connection […]
Family Dentistry
What Do You Do If You Get Something Stuck Between Your Teeth?
Men and women get food stuck in and between their teeth all the time. Most of the time it is not a malfunction to get the food unstuck with floss or a toothbrush and move on with your day. However, once in a while, there is a pesky piece of food that seems practically impossible […]
Family Dentistry
4 Teeth All In A Row
Perhaps getting everything lined up for a breathtaking smile can take a bit of finagling. Maybe you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry. At Endres Gateway Dentistry, Doctor Eleanor Endres is often seen working miracles on all types of smiles. Here are 4 ways to get all your ducks (or teeth) in a row for your new […]
Family Dentistry
Straightening Smiles and Crooked Teeth at Endres Gateway Dentistry
Crooked teeth are known in the world of dentistry as “malocclusion.” Malocclusion can impact the aesthetics of your smile and may affect your overall oral health and enjoyment. At Endres Gateway Dentistry in the Cincinnati area, we understand the significance of addressing crooked teeth to ensure your smiles are healthy, confident, and functional. Understanding Crooked […]
Family Dentistry
Yes! You Can Replace Old Fillings
Superficial cuts in the skin disappear without a trace, infections are eradicated with antibiotics, broken bones mend, and inflamed tissues subside. Our teeth, unfortunately, can’t regenerate. Decay can be halted in its progress, but scientists are still years away from actual enamel regeneration. That’s why the team at Endres Gateway Dentistry strongly emphasizes preventative dentistry. […]