When it comes to maintaining oral health, many people focus primarily on their teeth. However, the significance of gum care should never be overlooked. Healthy gums play a crucial role in overall oral well-being and are essential for preserving the stability and longevity of your teeth. Let’s look at a few reasons why it’s important […]
Are You Watching For Cavities?
Did you know a cavity may be reversed? These small holes in our teeth caused by acidic tooth erosion can actually be prevented from getting worse and requiring filling. Currently, around 90% of adults have cavities and almost 30% have untreated cavities. However, Endres Gateway Dentistry explains that by taking a few needed precautions, we […]
Been A While Since You Had Your Teeth Cleaned?
Welcome to the dental practice of Doctor Eleanor Endres, DMD. At Endres Gateway Dentistry, we provide comprehensive full service dentistry for patients in Montgomery and surrounding communities. Our friendly team of skilled hygienists, dental assistants, and administrative staff help Doctor Endres exceed our patients’ expectations. At Endres Gateway Dentistry, we understand the value of a […]
Optimum Oral Health Includes Exams and Cleanings
If you’ve ever visited our blog, you’ve probably heard the counsel to have dental check-ups and cleanings twice a year. In fact, dental professionals have been advising the twice-yearly frequency for over 50 years. The American Dental Association counsels men and women to visit their dentist twice a year as well. Is that an arbitrary […]
Captivate Audiences Once Again
Remember when being a five-year-old with a few missing teeth charmed friends and family? When a lisp was considered adorable and endearing? Doesn’t really work for adults. At Endres Gateway Dentistry in Montgomery OH, we can restore missing teeth with lifelike dental implants. A single-tooth dental implant consists of three parts: the implant itself, a […]
Keep Them Healthy! Teeth Cleaning in Cincinnati
Chompers. Pearly Whites. Dents. Gnashers. Grill. Whatever you want to call them, make sure you keep your teeth healthy with proper cleaning, both at home and at the office of Endres Gateway Dentistry in Cincinnati. Practicing proper oral hygiene every day with pay off throughout your life. You’ll prevent tooth decay, plaque, and gum disease, not […]